Tales from Tanzania - O'Neil Family Blog

Though we have already been in Tanzania for one year, this is a journal of our time at Haven of Peace Academy in Dar es Salaam. Karibu sana.

November 03, 2007

My Chemistry Class

I think I should introduce you to my chemistry class this year. We have grown from last year and I have seven students in A-Level Chemistry. They are from a variety of backgrounds - two are Malagasi (from Madacascar) missionary kids. They are new to the school and their father is working as a dentist in Dodoma - the capital of Tanzania. I also have two Muslem students who are both Tanzanian. One has been at HOPAC for many years and the other is new. I have one international students from Korea. And lastly I have two new Tanzanian students who are both on scholarships. HOPAC began a new scholarship program offering two full ride scholarships for two eleventh grade students based on need and merit. I happen to have both of them in my class. So, in all, two of my students have been at HOPAC and five are new to the school. This has brought many challenges but also many joys. Most of the new students have had very little if any experience in the laboratory even though this is an advanced chemistry course. We've had a lot of catching up to do. But what is the biggest joy, is that they are all so excited and eager to learn - even taking extra articles home to read beyond what is required. There are no rolling eyes or moans or bored looks from these kids. I think they are utterly aware of the priviledge that is theirs for being able to be taught like this! We should all be so completely aware of the great honor we have of being educated. It is such a joy to be able to teach these students from their variety of home countries and religions. I get up every morning and just can't wait to serve them by teaching them! It is an honor and priviledge for me also!

PS - These are great students, desperate for a chemistry teacher for next year. They cannot enter university in the UK without this advanced chemistry class (it is a two year course and they will have finished year one this year). They are great students, hard workers with great attitudes, the curriculum is challenging, the laboratory is brand new. Would any of you who are qualified consider coming for a year or two to teach? Please pass the word on to anyone you know who God might be prodding!


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